A new Apple Vision Glasses has joined the ongoing quest for innovation, Apple has introduced its latest creation: the Apple Vision Pro headset. Unveiled just days ago on February 2nd, this cutting-edge device is being touted by the tech giant as a “spatial computer,” offering users the ability to seamlessly merge the physical world with digital overlays. While similar ventures, like Google Glass, faced challenges in gaining traction, Apple is optimistic that their refined iteration will resonate more effectively with consumers.

The recent unveiling of Apple’s mixed reality headsets sparked a flurry of excitement, with Vision Pro users quickly spotted immersed in the experience, gesturing enthusiastically with their hands.
From Amusement to Dystopian Concerns
Responses to the surprising scenes observed diverged greatly across social media platforms, with a portion finding amusement while others voiced concerns about a potential descent into a dystopian reality akin to a science fiction narrative. While acknowledging the limitations of social media as a reflection of broader public opinion, it’s noteworthy that certain users chose to forego ridicule and instead lauded the mixed reality sets of the Apple vision glasses as a harbinger of future advancements.
Public Confusion Surrounds Apple Vision Glasses Headsets
It remains to be seen whether the pricey product would appeal to those who are not up to date on the latest electronic devices and crazes. For the time being, it appears that the majority of individuals have found the Vision Pro sets to be somewhat perplexing. It claims to seamlessly merge digital material with your actual world’, but from the outside, it appears that you’re wearing a large set of VR goggles. If you want to see how it works, some people put on the headsets and tested them out in public, and many were perplexed by what they saw.

Merging Reality and Digital Worlds
The VR goggle-like glasses that are the Apple vision glasses over your eyes allow you to see the environment around you as well as screens, apps, and controls. According to Apple, it “seamlessly blends digital content with the physical world”. Much like Neuralink’s aims. While Meta Smart Glasses and Google Glass were the first to do it, Apple hopes to have finally nailed it. Even some cars, like the LG Alpha-able, combine technology and realism. One TikToker, @lukemianiyt – “the guy with all the Macs” – wanted to test them out in the real world. He acknowledged feeling “a little silly” as he went to get a bite to eat.
Apple Vision Pro Draws Attention but Faces Technical Challenges
This was exacerbated by the fact that the Apple vision glasses generated comments, attention, and even requests to take his photo while wearing the hefty tech. He described it as “causing a bit of a ruckus,” conceding that “no one has attacked us for being extremely weird – so I would call that a success.” However, despite receiving mostly good attention from passers-by, the Apple Vision Pro had a few disadvantages. First, Luke remarks that the Low Light Mode makes the environment around him “blurry” – yet the latency is excellent.
Luke’s Review: Mixed Experience with Apple Vision Pro

However, Luke concludes that you “can’t use it while you’re moving” in terms of functionality. He tries to pull up apps with the headset but walks right past them before he can engage with them. We see him switch to Travel Mode, believing that it will solve the problem. However, the technology appears to malfunction when he does so, leaving Luke with the message that it is “not to be used while walking”. Wait, isn’t that the whole point? Nonetheless, Luke’s overall opinion is positive, rating the premiere as “10/10 would do again”.
Smartphone Decency
Meanwhile, the comments section was less positive. But what problem does it solve?”One individual inquired. “It makes you stay on your phone at all times,” claimed another. Others reasoned that they’d wait for multiple revisions, giving the Apple vision glasses time to thin down and smooth out the issues. One joked that they’d wait until “the contact lens version of it comes out”.