Over the years, Jim Carrey has taken on a variety of roles, some of which are legendary, others of which are dubious, and yet others of which are just plain bizarre. Carrey has done it all throughout his career, up until his recent comeback in the Sonic the Hedgehog movies as Dr. Robotnik. But after all these years, the actor claims that the only part he regrets taking was Captain Stars & Stripes from the comic book sequel that is Kick-Ass 2.
Down the Ratings

The 2013 follow-up movie, which is based on the same-named graphic novel, received little attention when it first came out but ended up being a really terrific movie thanks in part to Jim Carrey’s performance as a disturbed vigilante with a baseball bat.
What Went Down

The US, however, had one of the worst mass shootings in its history just before the movie came out when a shooter opened fire in Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, killing 26 people. Many people were deeply affected by the tragedy’s scope and senselessness, but Carrey’s pain seemed to be particularly acute. As a result of the incident, Carrey vowed never again to use excessive violence in his films and has since become a strong proponent of gun control.
“I meant to say my apologies to others involve [sic] with the film. I am not ashamed of it but recent events have caused a change in my heart.” The author of the graphic novel that served as the inspiration for the movie, Scottish comic book writer and Kick-Ass 2 executive producer Mark Millar, took issue with Carrey’s remarks.