Fans adore fan casts, and studios occasionally take pleasure in fulfilling wishes.

Hey, that’s the reason a particular actor was selected for a particular role in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness earlier this year (I’ll withhold the specifics here in case you haven’t watched it yet).
There have been rumors floating around for a long that Daniel Radcliffe would replace Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. I can’t say that I can picture the Harry Potter actor having the same presence on screen as Jackman, but there’s no denying that he’s a gifted actor.

Radcliffe appeared to be a legitimate candidate for the post earlier this year. At the time, he made it plain that nothing was happening, but he didn’t seem to be against the idea: “Like, I understand that somebody is clearly going like ‘Wolverine’s genuinely short in the comic books, you should find like a short person to do it,'” he said.
However, I fail to envision myself or them moving from Hugh Jackman to me. But who can say? Marvel, prove me wrong.
Unfortunately, the star has very much put an end to it all for those who were wanting to see this pipe dream come true. He reiterated that the rumors are completely untrue in an interview with GQ.
“It’s just a press tour rumor that started when I said something and then periodically changed my response because I got tired of answering that way, which started it all over again.
Just keep my mouth shut, he advised. I just don’t want to commit to anything that I’m not sure I’ll be able to love as much as I do now for the rest of my life.
You can completely appreciate his perspective in this situation after spending so many years working on the Harry Potter films. Okay, let’s go on to the following fan casting.