$6.7 Million Yacht Owned by Russian Boss Gets Partially Sunk by Ukrainian Sailor, Sailor Gets Arrested
A Ukrainian sailor was apprehended after attempting to sink a super yacht…
Elon Musk Activates Starlink After Ukraine Vice PM’s Request
Following a request from Ukraine's Vice Prime Minister, Elon Musk said that…
The “Biggest Plane in the World” Gets Taken Down by Russia
Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine about four days ago, deploying thousands of troops…
Dubbed As a “Beacon of Hope”, This Baby Was Born During a Russian Invasion in Kyiv
A young woman went into labor and gave birth in an underground…
How to Get Zenonia 5 Cheats or Mods
Zenonia 5 can be a great game, but when games limit players…
Great Features of Adobe Photoshop
Photoshop has evolved from a simple photo editing tool to a market-leading…
Hidden Features of iPhones
Technology has never ceased to amaze us and it will continue to…
Best Backpacks for Going to School
When it comes to going to school or simply heading out, there…