According to court documents, Heard’s attorneys formally filed a notice to appeal the trial’s initial decision on July 21. After Amber Heard’s legal team formally appealed the judgment in their defamation case, Johnny Depp responded.
Putting Up A Fight

Heard’s 2018 op-ed in the Washington Post, in which she identified herself as “a public figure representing domestic abuse,” served as the central focus of the trial. As they seemed confident that the trial’s initial decision would hold, Depp’s team replied to the news that the appeal had been officially filed with assurance.
Something to Say

“The jury listened to the extensive evidence presented during the six-week trial and came to a clear and unanimous verdict that the defendant herself defamed Mr. Depp, in multiple instances.
To make this work, her legal team will need to show that there were mistakes made during the trial or in the judge’s interpretation of the law, something Depp’s attorneys are convinced won’t happen.