When we head out and have a good time, we expects to go all out and enjoy whatever time we can. For this TikToker, she found a good way to spend her time out with her friends and even have a little fun with a few guys.
Higher Stakes

The Tiktoker: India Sasha had been born with no fingers on her left hand and had been creating content on Tiktok for some time now. She proves that in her content that living life even with a disability is a life worth living. She shows that right here where she pokes a bit of fun at some guys for a few drinks.
Just A Friendly Game

The Tiktoker had placed down a bet on a simple game of rock, paper, scissors. Without knowing who they were dealing with, the boys had thought of taking her up on the bet. They were then left stunned and speechless after seeing the results.
Be sure you check out the whole video of it right here and you might be stunned or speechless as well!