We’ve heard a lot of nightmare-like scenarios throughout the years ever since the price of cryptocurrency soared to absurd heights.

What a Waste
But as one unfortunate TikToker, @conspiracycubed, recently stated, he can’t access his account because he can’t recall who his closest friend from 2005 was.
Guess who has 1.8 million dollars’ worth of Bitcoin sitting in a dead wallet? Me, he says.
Who can’t access this wallet because the data is saved on their Hotmail account, I’ll let you guess. Me.”
“Why can’t I access this Hotmail account? Are you saying that you forgot the password? No, I know the f**king password. It’s my account,” he said.
Why then am I unable to do so? It seems that someone has attempted to log into my account.
“Now, despite the fact that the account’s profile image is of me, it is requesting me to send a text to prove that I am who I say I am.
As a result, I inform them that I no longer have their phone number because I did in 2010.
The TikToker continued by describing how he “purchased the Bitcoin on a whim and just forgot about it.”
“I cannot access my account; are there any attorneys who can assist me?
I want to submit a subject access request. Force them f**kers to give me my data; it belongs to me.
“I’ve got emails from my girlfriend, who I’m still with 12 years later. And that’s not proof. My f**king face is on the profile photo.

“I can provide government ID, but I can’t remember who the f**k my best friend from 2005 was, so it doesn’t qualify as proof in their eyes.
“And this phone number is no longer accessible to me. Actually, I’m seeking to purchase my old phone number so I can access my personal Hotmail account.
“If there’s any legal assistance available, please get in touch with me. I swear to god, I’ll cut you in.”
At the time of writing, one Bitcoin is now worth £17,151.
Bitcoin is already massive as it is, so this is a sad waste.