Search Results for: Pepsi

Showing 5 results for your search

For 20 Years, This Man Drinks 30 Cans of Pepsi

For 20 years, a Pepsi junkie drank 30 cans every day. Andy…

Karl Telintelo Karl Telintelo

This Student Who Only Drinks Pepsi Max Was Surprised to Find 500 Cans of It On Her Doorstep!

When more than 500 cans of her favorite drink arrived on her…

Karl Telintelo Karl Telintelo

Unpacking the Benefits of Brand Rivalries in Stores, Economics, and Beyond

In the competitive world of business, brand rivalries are as old as…

Karl Telintelo Karl Telintelo

After Eminem had Insulted him, Michael Jackson Purchased the Rapper’s Song Rights

Eminem and Michael Jackson are without a doubt two of the best…

Jethro Jethro

December 20, 2013

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