According to a personal trainer, he is frequently approached and treated like a celebrity on the street because of how much he resembles Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

It’s hard to resemble a giant
Although The Rock is a well-known and enormous man, this guy clearly has a similar appearance to him.
The actor and former WWE champion makes regular people appear little in contrast, but Antonio Muratore is also enormous and claims that he frequently gets mistaken for the Ballers star.
Even his tattoos have been customized to resemble Johnson’s.
Given the torture The Rock must endure when touring the globe, it’s hard to blame the personal trainer from Milan for enjoying the contrast.
Uncanny resemblance!
The 54-year-old claims that he draws a crowd wherever he goes because of his striking similarity to one of the most recognizable celebrities in the world.
Looking like Dwayne Johnson has been “life-changing” for him.
“It’s an unbelievable position to look like him,” remarked Antonio.
“In general I’m quite a private person and I don’t like a lot of attention – yet I never tire of this since it makes others happy.
I would do anything to finally meet him.

He claims that at first, he was blind to the similarities, but with time, he learned to accept and even appreciate them.
“It was approximately 10 years ago that a buddy first told me I looked like The Rock,” he continued.
“Everywhere I went, people began to stop and ask me for photographs as time went on.
“It occurs often and has been seen at hotels, restaurants, and public places like the beach.
Once, I had a 15-minute follower while I drove down the street.
It was a little anxious, that. However, I usually welcome the opportunity to snap a photo.
“I consider myself really fortunate to resemble him since he is a wonderful man and a champion in both sport and life.
Even more attention from The Rock’s fans is naturally drawn to the fact that he has seen some of the movies in which he appeared.
At the finish of the film, everyone left to save for a small group of children, said Antonio.
“The moment the light turned on, the children noticed me and began to yell, “The Rock!” The Stone!
It was a chaotic scene, and everyone rushed back inside the theater to take a photo.
He now works as a part-time actor, albeit not nearly to the success of his well-known counterpart. He gets 50 tattoos to improve his resemblance in the hopes of landing a body double job.
However, when he’s at the beach, people see his tattoos and run after him.
All summer long, he says, “I get treated like a superstar on a regular basis.
“I frequently stand and pose for photographs; I’m always willing to pause and do so.
I don’t mind if people want a picture even after they realize I’m not actually him sometimes.

“I am a quiet person by nature, and I dislike attention.
But it makes me pleased when I receive attention as The Rock.
“I feel thrilled because I seem like a fantastic person when people address me by his name and recognize me as his twin.
“Whenever I’m unhappy, all it takes is for someone to remark, “Hey look, that’s The Rock,” and I feel better.
Antonio claims that Covid-19 put an end to his goal after he was once hired to serve as The Rock’s body duplicate.
He now has a completely new fantasy, one in which he plans to compete against his well-known twin using his Thai boxing abilities.
He said, “I practice Thai boxing, so if I can compete against him in that, I think I could have a chance.
“My mum believes I would triumph,”
Not to mention that The Rock played American football and was a professional wrestler, so he’s probably not too bad in a fight.
Dwayne, if you are reading this, let’s schedule a meeting.
Just get in contact, and we’ll straighten everything out.