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Anonymous Takes Action and Changes Name of Putin’s $97 Million Yacht and More!

The hacker collective reacted quickly after Putin declared war on Ukraine with…

Karl Telintelo Karl Telintelo

Same Teen Who Tracked Elon Musk’s Private Jet, Now Targets Russian Leaders

During the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, the teen who became popular…

Karl Telintelo Karl Telintelo

Elon Musk Activates Starlink in Response To Ukraine’s Vice Prime Minister

Following a request from Ukraine's Vice Prime Minister, Elon Musk said that…

Karl Telintelo Karl Telintelo

How to Get Zenonia 5 Cheats or Mods

Zenonia 5 can be a great game, but when games limit players…

Karl Telintelo Karl Telintelo

Great Features of Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop has evolved from a simple photo editing tool to a market-leading…

Karl Telintelo Karl Telintelo

Hidden Features of iPhones

Technology has never ceased to amaze us and it will continue to…

Karl Telintelo Karl Telintelo

Factors to Consider in Choosing Your Web Host

Choosing a web host for your website is a huge decision because…

Karl Telintelo Karl Telintelo

Cyber War Has Been Declared By Hacker Group “Anonymous” Against Vladimir Putin and Government

Even with a lot going on right now with Vladimir Putin and…

Karl Telintelo Karl Telintelo

Why Upgrading Your Phone Could Be Beneficial

As mobile technology advances, that smartphone will become an even more important…

Karl Telintelo Karl Telintelo