Since the release of the new-gen patch earlier this year, Cyberpunk 2077 has apparently seen a big boost in sales. And while the game has seen a lot of struggle since its struggle, this update could really make it for them!
From the Start

When CD Projekt RED’s long-awaited sci-fi RPG was released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One near the end of 2020, it was a steaming mess, to put it mildly. The experience was ruined by constant crashes, dreadful graphics, and a slew of game-breaking bugs.
Coming Out Strong

And with that, it’s encouraging to note that the new-gen upgrade has resulted in a 600 percent increase in sales. CD Projekt’s last financial report, according to Twinfinite, boasted highly of the new-gen release and increasing sales on Xbox and PlayStation consoles.
Of course, this may indicate that before the update, Cyberpunk 2077 had only sold 1000 copies, with 6000/8000 after the patch. It’s difficult to quantify just how great this is without exact data, but for now, it appears that Cyberpunk 2077 is back on track and finally winning over fans after a terrible launch. Everyone loves a good comeback story and this just seems like the start of it for Cyberpunk 2077.