More than 200,000 The Witcher viewers have now signed a petition requesting that Henry Cavill return to the show and the writing staff be changed. The total is increasing, and when it reaches 300,000 signatures, it will rank among the most popular petitions.
A Huge Change

Although Liam Hemsworth will take over the character for season four, season three of the show will continue to feature Cavill scowling and groaning at his fellow countrymen on the Continent.
Being Accurate

Despite Hemsworth, the discovery that the writers were supposedly not too fond of the novels or games infuriated the fans. It’s possible that this potential contempt prompted alterations that weren’t there in The Last Wish, Blood of Elves, and Time of Contempt, such as Eskel’s transformation, Yennefer’s betrayal, and the introduction of the Voleth Meir.
A Community movie was made, and other series like Brooklyn 99 saw significant adjustments as a result of fan sentiment. We’ll just have to wait and see if this convinces Netflix to change its tune, and maybe better things are yet to come in the future!