For players, the 7-Star Tera Raid Charizard is a challenging opponent. Top-tier Pokemon trainers are the target audience for the whole Tera Raid.

Best Boy Pokemon
If you want to defeat this Charizard and add it to your team, you’re going to need a level 100 Pokemon and some serious strategy. Here are the top defenses for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s 7-star Charizard Tera Raid battle.
Best Counters for the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet 7-Star Charizard Tera Raid Battle
Therefore, you should get ready by hyper-training your Pokemon and making sure they are equipped with the appropriate EVs.
Making sure you selected the appropriate Pokemon and moveset for the battle is the simplest action you can do. So let’s examine the top Charizard defenses.

Charizard has a simple time choosing Azumarill. If you haven’t noticed, Azumarill is now somewhat broken. If a Tera Raid is vulnerable to Fairy, Belly Drum and Play Rough can one-shot it.
Fortunately, Charizard has a Tera Type of Dragon, which makes it quite vulnerable to Fairy. Our top choice for a Charizard counter is Azumarill due to its typing of Water/Fairy. The biggest concern for players right now is whether Charizard will have Metal Claw and challenge Fairy types.
Flutter Mane
An intriguing option, in this case, is Flutter Mane. It is a good choice because of its Ghost/Fairy typing, but even more so because a Flutter Mane with a Modest Nature can benefit greatly from the Fake Tears/Moon Blast combination.
The setup is the most important aspect of Flutter Mane. To ensure that you can complete the combo without having your team proc Charizard’s shield, you must work together with your team.
Will ‘o Wisp and Mystical Fire are backup moves for this Pokemon to give you more options if your setup fails. To increase damage, you should also give your Flutter Mane a Life Orb.
You’ll get the most out of your Life Orb with the least amount of consequences because, if the setup is done properly, you shouldn’t need to fight frequently.
The best alternative for Charizard is Sylveon. All standard moves will be able to take use of Fairy type thanks to the hidden ability Pixilate.
To increase Sylveon’s special attack, give it choice specs. If you need some additional health, you can use Pixelate to benefit from powerful skills like Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, and Draining Kiss.
Once you’re ready to take on the Scarlet Charizard raid, it’s important that you go in with a strategy in mind. Since this is a very powerful boss pokemon, it’s important to focus on attacking quickly and efficiently while avoiding its fire-based attacks.
You should also prioritize attacking with water-based attacks since they are super effective against fire types. Additionally, try to use moves that have high accuracy so that you can land more hits without missing out on potential damage!
The Scarlet Charizard Raid is no easy feat but with preparation and proper strategy, it can be conquered!
Make sure your chosen team has a good mix of Fire-type, Flying-type, Water-type, and Rock-type Pokémon so that you can effectively counter all of its attacks.
Additionally, be sure to use moves that have high accuracy so that your damage output isn’t wasted by misses! With these tips in mind, we hope that you’ll be able to successfully complete this tough challenge and reap the rewards at its conclusion! Good luck!
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