In light of a new study that says past classification requirements were incorrect, several astronomers are advocating for Pluto to be reinstated as a planet. According to ExtremeTech, the results of a 5-year study were published in the journal Icarus, which is available on ScienceDirect.
Quite the Difference

The research article describes how the concept of a planet has evolved in connection to scientific theory and culture, and makes a case for Pluto’s reclassification as a planet after its declassification in 2006.
Understanding It More

Some scientists are now suggesting that the IAU’s definitions were based on a “folk understanding of planet that opposed the scientific view,” and that the union should “rescind its non-scientific definition and stop teaching the revisionist history” since it could harm planetary science.
Pluto, whether or not it is a full-fledged planet, continues to be a topic of discussion among scientists. The fly-by of New Horizons in 2015 drew a lot of attention because it yielded the best image of the “dwarf planet” to date. Whether or not Pluto returns to planetary status would be know in the time to come, but this topic is one to really debate about!