If Twitter Gets Banned from the App Store, Elon Musk will Make a New Phone

Karl Telintelo

In response to rumors that Twitter would be pulled from the Apple Store due to “safety” concerns, Elon Musk said that he could just create a “other smartphone” in that case.

A Bit of Uncertainty

As usual with the richest guy in the world, it’s unclear if he’s making a joke or if he’s being serious. After all, this man also asserts that he will colonize Mars in addition to promising to end world hunger.

Safety First

Contrarily, Apple has pages and pages of rules that must be followed in order for apps to continue appearing on the Apple Store for iPhones and other Apple devices. Those rules are founded on the notion of “safety” as it is understood by Apple.

In any case, if they are removed from the App Store, Elon will just create a new phone, as he stated in a tweet: “I certainly hope it does not come to that, but, yes, if there is no other choice, I will make an alternative phone.”

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