James Corden To Step Away From The Late Late Show

Karl Telintelo

James Corden has announced that he will leave The Late Late Show after eight years to return to the United Kingdom with his family. On April 28, he announced to the studio audience that he has signed on for another season of the show during a recording.

How It Went

The audience began to applaud and clap before Corden abruptly stopped them, informing them that he had more to say. He then said that, while he will be back in action for another season, this will be his final year as host of the talk show.

A Difficult Decision

The decision apparently weighed heavily on the British TV host, who cried during filming. Corden choked up as he told his studio audience that this is the “most difficult decision” he’s ever had to make.

Despite the fact that his time on The Late Late Show is coming to an end, he promised viewers and supporters that he and his staff are “committed to make this the best year we’ve ever had,” adding that the show is “going out with a bang.”

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