Johnny Depp Resigns with Dior and Grabs Massive Deal

Karl Telintelo

In 2015, he first assumed the role as the scent’s spokesman. And now, Johnny Depp, 59, has reportedly re-signed with Dior in a multi-year, multi-million dollar arrangement to continue serving as the face of their Sauvage perfume.

Moving Forward

While his legal issues with his ex-wife Amber Heard, 36, continue, he reportedly signed on the dotted line for a seven-figure fee and already has new advertising photographs prepared for a new campaign.

The Top Meets the Top

For a response, MailOnline has gotten in touch with Johnny Depp’s agents. The Wall Street Journal stated in early June that Dior supported Johnny throughout his recent legal battle and that Sauvage, the perfume he promotes, saw an increase in sales at stores.

According to the article, Depp’s cologne has become one of the top-selling scents online for both the cosmetics retailer and its rival Ulta.

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