Jake Paul asserts that he “single-handedly” saved the boxing sport, which, according to him, was “dying” before he arrived. It goes without saying that the YouTuber turned boxer is notorious for making wild claims in an effort to boost his own career, and he’s certainly not the only boxer to do that. However, how much of it is actually true?
Perhaps One of Many

It’s difficult to say that Paul has “single-handedly” saved the sport given the increased popularity of the heavyweight division and the millions of pay-per-views sold by superstars like Canelo and Tyson Fury, but boxing has faced some difficult times recently.
Proving a Point

The significance of Paul’s upcoming battle with Rahman Jr. may not be due to the prestige of his opponent, the son of former heavyweight champion Hasim Rahman, but rather the fact that it will be his first matchup with a “real” boxer.
With that to look forward to, Paul can maybe establish himself as part of the reason of the resurgence of boxing. But to call him the sole reason of it, perhaps some could say so and other would not. It all depends on who you ask, really.