LAPD Police Officers Fired After Refusing to Catch Robbers, Catches Snorlax Instead

Karl Telintelo

You heard that right, police officers from the LAPD were fired after they ignored orders coming a department captain to assist in a nearby robbery. Reports have shown that the officers were then caught on their phones playing Pokémon Go and going for Snorlax and Togetic.

Gotta Catch ‘Em All

On April 15, 2017, former LAPD officers Louis Lozano and Eric Mitchell were on foot beat patrol when a robbery at the Macy’s in Crenshaw Mall occurred. A department captain had issued in orders for any nearby units to assist in the situation and needless to say, the two blatantly ignored those calls but preferred to help each other in the popular game Pokémon Go.

A Snorlax Blocks the Way!

Wondering why the two failed to respond to the calls, investigations led to checking recordings where they confirmed that the two were in fact aiming to get both Snorlax and Togetic. These two Pokémon happened to be nearby the crime scene and thus confirming that the two chose to ignore orders and calls for help. The two went on about more of the game throughout the recording and were caught lying about their whereabouts and what happened with the whole situation.

Check out this video here to find out more details and how it all went down after they caught their Pokémon and their firings.

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