Jax AP: Uncovering the Hidden Strength of an Unconventional Build in League of Legends

Karl Telintelo
Credits to SkinSpotlights on YouTube, Riot Games, and League of Legends

In the diverse world of League of Legends (LoL), experimenting with different builds can lead to surprising results. One such example is the unconventional yet potentially powerful AP (Ability Power) build for Jax. While Jax is traditionally played as an AD (Attack Damage) bruiser, an AP-focused build can unveil a different aspect of his strength. This article explores the hidden power of Jax AP, discussing how his abilities synergize with AP items and how this unconventional path can be effective in both laning and jungling.

Understanding Jax’s Kit and AP Scaling

Credits to SkinSpotlights on YouTube, Riot Games, and League of Legends

Jax, known for his versatility and dueling prowess, has abilities that can scale well with AP. His ‘Empower’ (W) and ‘Leap Strike’ (Q) have AP scaling, which means these abilities deal more damage based on his AP. This scaling opens up the potential for a possible Jax build, where these abilities can be used to deliver significant burst damage.

The Appeal of AP Jax in Laning

In the laning phase, AP Jax can be unexpectedly potent. His ‘Leap Strike’ combined with ‘Empower’ can catch opponents off guard with its high burst damage. This playstyle differs from the traditional sustained damage approach of AD Jax, offering a more assassin-like method of trading in lane. The burst damage from this build can be particularly effective against squishy opponents who are not prepared for the high AP damage output.

Jax AP in the Jungle

Jax’s ability to jungle effectively is well-known, and this extends to an AP build as well. His clear speed remains decent with AP items, and his ganking potential is enhanced due to the increased burst damage. Jax AP in the jungle can be a unique pick that can surprise enemies who may not be used to countering an AP Jax’s playstyle.

Dueling Capabilities of Jax AP

Credits to Thebausffs on YouTube, Riot Games, and League of Legends

One of Jax’s core strengths, his dueling capability, remains strong with an AP build. The burst damage allows Jax AP to quickly whittle down his opponent’s health, especially in short trades. This makes him a formidable opponent in one-on-one situations, even when building AP.

Synergy with AP Items

The effectiveness of Jax AP is partly due to the synergy between his kit and certain AP items. Items like Nashor’s Tooth and Lich Bane work exceptionally well with Jax’s AP build. Nashor’s Tooth provides attack speed, AP, and an on-hit effect, all of which Jax can utilize effectively. Lich Bane, on the other hand, enhances his burst potential, especially when combined with his ‘Leap Strike’ and ‘Empower’.

Teamfighting as Jax AP

Credits to SoloRenektonOnly on YouTube, Riot Games, and League of Legends

In teamfights, Jax AP functions differently compared to his AD counterpart. While he loses some sustained damage and tankiness, he gains significant burst potential, which can be used to eliminate key targets in the enemy backline. Timing and positioning become crucial, as Jax AP needs to find the right moment to leap in and unleash his damage.

The Element of Surprise with Jax AP

A significant advantage of playing Jax AP is the element of surprise. Opponents may not expect the burst damage from an AP Jax, leading them to miscalculate trades and teamfight engagements. This surprise factor can be leveraged, especially in solo queue games, to gain an upper hand. This playstyle can be viable in ranked play, especially if used strategically to surprise opponents and capitalize on its burst damage potential.

Jax AP as a Viable Alternative

In conclusion, while Jax AP may be unconventional, it is a build that offers hidden strength and can be highly effective in the right hands. It provides a different approach to playing Jax, focusing on burst damage rather than sustained fights. For players looking to experiment with new builds or surprise their opponents, Jax AP is a worthwhile consideration.

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