Hunter Biden Decides to Plead his Guilt for Tax-related Violations During a Federal Investigation


Hunter Biden, the vice president’s son, has reportedly made a tentative arrangement with the Delaware U.S. attorney, agreeing to submit guilty pleas to two misdemeanor tax offenses and acknowledging felony gun possession.

As indicated in the document, Hunter Biden will sign a pretrial diversion plan and admit that drug usage had a part in his firearms crime as part of his plea.

According to a source with knowledge of the agreement, Hunter Biden is expected to be required to abstain from drugs for two years and be prohibited from committing any new offences.

If Hunter Biden accomplishes this, the gun count would be thrown out. This is not an admission of guilt.

In response to inquiries about Hunter Biden on Tuesday afternoon in California, President Biden said, “I am very proud of my son.”

Earlier, a White House spokesman had said, “The President and First Lady love their son and support him as he continues to rebuild his life. We will have no further comment.”

The arrangement needs to be approved by a federal judge in Delaware. At a hearing in the United States, Hunter Biden is anticipated to enter a plea to the offenses listed in the deal. Court of district in Wilmington. There is no set date for the hearing. 

“I think the judge is going to do what’s fair, and I think what’s fair is, you know, my client gets on with his life,” Clark said.

The two tax-related misdemeanor allegations stem from his deliberate failure to file taxes in 2017 and 2018. According to a document, Hunter Biden earned more than $1.5 million annually.

With the aid of a loan from his own attorney, he has subsequently fully returned all past-due taxes and penalties, including $2 million purportedly paid to the federal government last year.

He was charged with a felony firearms offense for having a weapon in 2018 while abusing drugs. Hunter Biden carried a Colt Cobra 38SPL handgun, according to the filing, for 11 days in October 2018, according to a statement from Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss.

Investigation: Still ongoing

The investigation is still ongoing, according to a statement sent by Weiss’ office on Tuesday morning. In a statement to CBS News earlier that day, Clark stated, “It is my understanding that the five-year investigation into Hunter is resolved.”

“Hunter will take responsibility for two instances of misdemeanor failure to file tax payments when due pursuant to a plea agreement.  A firearm charge, which will be subject to a pretrial diversion agreement and will not be the subject of the plea agreement, will also be filed by the Government,” Clark remarked.

“I know Hunter believes it is important to take responsibility for these mistakes he made during a period of turmoil and addiction in his life.  He looks forward to continuing his recovery and moving forward.”

During his interview on MSNBC, Clark was questioned if he would have accepted a plea deal if he had thought that additional charges may be brought against him.

“Would I make a deal? No, I wouldn’t,” Clark said.

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