Rarely do humans get to encounter gigantic squid in the wild, but a couple of divers managed to film the event. On January 6, while scuba diving off the shore of Toyooka City in Japan’s Hyogo Prefecture, Yosuke and Miki Tanaka captured their up-close encounter with the enormous creature on camera. The 8-foot-long squid can be seen floating in the water in the video, which was captured by the couple’s underwater camera.
Their Point of View

According to ScienceAlert, a fishing equipment vendor who had seen the enormous squid in a bay had informed the couple who own a diving operation in Toyooka city, Hyogo. The two made the choice to launch their boat so they could catch a sight of the creation as it floated close to the rocky shore. “There it was. It was an enormous squid,” says Yosuke Tanaka to AFP
Rare Sightings
Despite being the largest creature on Earth, the giant squid is still mostly a mystery to scientists, according to National Geographic. The biggest enormous squid was 59 feet long and about a ton in weight. It is known that giant squid inhabit the waters off the coast of Japan and occasionally wash ashore.
It’s still extremely unusual to see them in the wild alive. Rarely have giant squid been observed swimming along the coast after emerging from the deep water. It has been incredibly challenging to study giant squid due to their hostile deep-sea habitat, and practically all of what is known about them comes from the remains of animals that have washed up on beaches or been pulled in by fishermen.