Chris Rock Turns Down Hosting for Next Oscars

Chris Rock has stated that he has declined an offer to host the Oscars in 2019. He gave a fairly offensive comparison as justification for his decision. The comedian didn’t crack a single joke while hosting the 94th Academy Awards back in March, as you might recall.

A Huge Announcement

After Smith received a 10-year Oscars ban, Rock has stated that he won’t be taking over hosting responsibilities again. On August 28, the 57-year-old stated he had been asked to host again but had declined the invitation during a gig in Phoenix, Arizona.

An Uncanny Reference

Rock used the O.J. Simpson murder trial as an example to justify his choice. According to Arizona Republic, Simpson reportedly told the audience at Arizona Financial Theatre that asking Nicole Brown Simpson to “go back to the restaurant” where she left her glasses before being killed would be like asking her to return to the awards ceremony.

Rock also stated on a recent podcast that he declined an offer for a Super Bowl commercial following the slap incident. It’s understandable that he feels that way, but here’s hoping things go his way soon and maybe he and Will Smith could patch things up.

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