These 911 Shirts, Seriously?

Karl Telintelo

When it comes to having fun, there are a lot of people who know just how to do it. Take for example the classic number for emergencies: 911. People can still crack a joke while most would not get offended. Check a couple of them out!

A Little Boost for Work

Working can really be tiring and stressful, and most often than not, employees do have their ways on staying up when they lack sleep or are feeling tired. This shirt explains how an operator loves their coffee while on the job.

Just Another Day at the Office

Although it’s still a job, a lot of dispatchers on the 911 line can be stressed out from a lot of things. It may not be because of the caller, but this shirt definitely shows us why it’s a bad idea to bug them while on the line.

Humor can be found in a ton of ways nowadays, and everyone has something to show for it. Even the 911 lines put up a joke or two about their job, but theirs is no laughing matter. They do a lot for the community and help save lives, and while keeping their composure at work!

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