As a result of a viral video showing “worm rain” descending from the sky in China, the skies have literally opened a bag of worms.

You’ve heard of raining cats and dogs, but never…
Turn away now if you’re sensitive to sight…
The video, which depicts a row of parked cars completely coated with what appears to be slimy critters, has left people perplexed.
The video is made even more remarkable by the fact that people walking by continue with their daily activities as additional “worms” fall from the sky, one of whom is seen holding an umbrella.
The incident occurred in the Chinese province of Liaoning, which borders North Korea, but there is no way for us to know if the Hermit Kingdom also experienced the odd rain.
Although the Chinese government has not yet commented on the incident, academics have been hard at work presenting their theories as to why it took place.
According to one theory, the purported “worms” are actually poplar blossoms that bloom into long catkins that look like fuzzy caterpillars.
When poplar flower spikes begin to fall, it signals that the trees are about to blossom, according to another person who wrote: “The objects that fall from poplar trees in spring are not caterpillars, but inflorescences of poplar trees.”
Others countered that the worms might have been carried off by high winds before arriving in Liaoning, as has frequently happened in the past.
These are flower stalks that have fallen from trees, not worms or other animals, according to a Twitter user.
When shoals of fish started falling from the sky in December 2021, residents of Texarkana, East Texas, were equally perplexed.
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The Library of Congress claims that because animal rain is such a rare occurrence, its causes have never been thoroughly investigated.
In contrast, meteorologists have proposed that “tornadic waterspouts” may be to blame, with the tornadoes snatching up small aquatic animals into their vortexes before dumping them somewhere else.
According to another theory, powerful wind currents caused by tornadoes or other weather-related events could have a similar effect.
While being extremely unusual, there have been a few other instances of animal rain in tornado-prone locations over the years that have been documented.
Newspapers in Kansas City, Missouri, reported frogs falling from the sky in 1873, while in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, tadpoles were observed falling from the sky in 2009.
The matrix is broken
About this most recent incident, someone said on Twitter that “earthworm rain,” a phenomenon where earthworms fall from the sky during rain, is rare but not impossible.
This frequently happens when particular meteorological conditions exist, such as strong winds that lift the earthworms and bring them into the clouds, where they can be transported over great distances before falling back to the ground with the rain.
Online users have been busy discussing the clip amid the rumors, with one cracking the joke that “someone hit the incorrect button on the weather manipulator 6000.”