YouTuber Skydives Out of Crashing Plane Which Seems “Fishy” According to Pilot

Karl Telintelo

A lot of people do so much to get some attention or do things just for the fun of it. Lots of time, YouTubers would do some extreme stunts and even more to rack up some views and add to their reputation. This private pilot had a few things to say about one YouTuber who went a bit too far.

Preparing for Take-Off

The private pilot reviews the video of Trevor Jacob and notices a lot that is fishy early on in the video. he points out several things where something might go wrong or if something was a bit off compared to professionally flying a plane.

The Sky’s the Limit

The pilot points out a lot of mistakes that he found with the video and also pinpoints that the parachute of Trevor Jacob was one for skydiving. Along with the remarks of this private pilot, the internet and the aviation community has taken it all over social media to express their dismay.

Be sure to check out the whole video and find out all about the pilot’s thoughts on the YouTuber’s video.

And check out the YouTuber’s video here and how he managed the whole flying situation.
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