People are Only Now Beginning to Understand Why Netflix Chose the Event Name Tudum


The origin of the name of Netflix’s international fan event Tudum, which provides viewers with announcements, panel discussions, and exclusive content from their favourite series, is only now becoming known.

And “Tudum” means…

After the fan site of the same name, Tudum is an annual event showcasing some of Netflix’s biggest performers and creators. But where did they get the name from?

While many viewers were left anticipating updates to the top TV episodes and movies available on the streaming service, others were too preoccupied to see the upgrades because they were too busy realizing what the term “Tudum” actually meant.

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You’ll see that the word is simply just an onomatopoeia for the deep double thud that precedes the Netflix logo and the start of each film or episode as you watch it.

You can also rest assured that you weren’t the only one who failed to notice the connection, as one fan tweeted yesterday, “WAIT IS TUDUM SUPPOSED TO BE THE NETFLIX SOUND? LMAO.”

Another said, “I was wondering what the hell the #TUDUM Netflix hashtag was about and turns out it’s just the sound Netflix produces when you start a show and now I feel dumb.”

Another innocently inquired: “Is Tudum named Tudum because that sound Netflix makes when you open it?”


A fifth person said, “I just learnt this last night. It’s called #Tudum since that’s the sound every time the Netflix logo displays.

Others, however, argued that the term “tudum” would not have been the most accurate way to describe the sound, suggesting that the fan platform and event might have been better referred to as “Dudum.” “How is the sound tudum? Clearly it’s dudum,” one person wrote in response to Netflix’s announcement of this year’s Tudum. Another person agreed: “No really importance, but I always heard the Netflix opening as dudum not no tudum haha. Like a drum.”

Aside from the mind-blowing revelations, the event also functioned as a Netflix release date announcement for a number of TV episodes and movies, including The Crown season five (9 November), Dead to Me’s third and last series (17 November), and The Witcher: Blood Origin (25 December).

Fans of You will have to wait a bit longer because part one of season four will air on February 10 of next year and part two will air on March 10.

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