One Academy Member Deems 10 Year Ban Is Not Enough for Will Smith

Karl Telintelo

Will Smith’s penalty has been criticized by a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. While the incident is still at the height of controversy, a lot of people are still sharing their thoughts and opinions on both the incident and the penalty.

A Heavier Punishment

While many people believe a ten-year ban is sufficient punishment, one Academy member believes it is insufficient. Actor Harry Lennix described Smith’s actions as “an extended time out for a playground bully” and demanded that he return his Academy Award.

The Consequences

“It’s a toothless penalty that lays bare the shallowness of Hollywood values,” Lennix stated in an op-ed for some interviews. Smith’s conduct at the Oscars, according to Lennix, “brutality stripped the entire evening of its prestige.”

With more celebrities’ and high profile names making their statements about the recent penalty for Smith, there may be some of them who agree with Lennix. Some would call for another or stronger punishment, but so far, this is the penalty that the Academy has come up with for the actor.

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