Netflix Film Taints Leonardo DiCaprio’s Impeccable Acting Streak

Karl Telintelo

Leonardo DiCaprio has been nothing short of amazing in his acting career. What seems to be one flaw in it is that Netflix’ recent film has put a damper on the actor’s track record. The film’s scores and ratings have not helped it since and has really put the actor in a tough spot to be.

The Not-So Great Results

Rotten Tomatoes scores the film at only 56 percent with more than 200 reviews. With Rotten Tomatoes holding its excellent standards when it comes to movies, it only shows that the film has ended up more as a flop than most of the actor’s films.

Impressive Up Until

With all the films and roles that the actor has been in, he has certainly crushed all of them in the past years. This one really takes the cake as it received backlash from long time fans and review sites. Here’s hoping that the actor pursues better roles or films to get his acting streak back on track and get claim his rightful title as most fans see him as!

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