Liz Truss is Currently Less Liked by British Citizens than Boris Johnson Ever Was


Liz Truss has only been British Prime Minister for a little more than a month, but she has already lost more public support than Boris Johnson ever did.

New Powers

She took over the top position under less-than-ideal circumstances, and her first few months have been nothing short of a complete mess. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the British populace has had enough.

Only 14% of the population surveyed by YouGov between October 1 and 2 have a favourable opinion of Truss.

In contrast, a study done in late September found that 26% of respondents supported the new prime minister.

The decline in performance reflects a turbulent week in which Ms Truss ignited a confidence crisis after presenting a new economic strategy.

Investors and markets were rocked by attempts to slash £45 billion (AU$79 billion) in taxes and announcements that the money would be covered by borrowing from the government.

She swiftly proclaimed a policy reversal, but it appears the damage had already been done.

According to YouGov, her favorability rating has dropped by 28 points in less than a week, placing her at a shockingly low -59.

Comparatively, when it was at its lowest in early July, Boris Johnson’s net favorability was at -53.

And everyone is aware of how he ended up.

She is in a worse situation than Jeremy Corbyn was when he was at his lowest when he had a score of -55.

More than half (55%) of those polled have a highly unfavourable opinion of Ms Truss, making up nearly three-quarters (73%) of respondents.

She appears to be bringing down the Conservative party as well.

Net favorability for the party as a whole is now -50, down from -33 in the September poll.

In contrast, only 30% of Conservative voters think favourably of the 47-year-old, while 60% think negatively of her.

Even the supporters of her own party don’t appear to be able to support her, which doesn’t look good.

She made an effort to win over fellow Conservative party members yesterday (October 5) at a convention in Birmingham.

We assemble at a crucial time for the United Kingdom, she said to the throng.

“These are threatening days.”

“We must rise to the occasion in these trying times.”

“I’m committed to get Britain moving, to get us through the storm, and to put us on a stronger platform,” the British prime minister declared.

What’s your opinion about her? Let us know!

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