Lies You’ve Been Told About Coupons

Karl Telintelo

Saving money can be quite rewarding and with that, it has also turned around a lot of lives. Taking that into consideration, there are many ways to save money and a good way is through the use of coupons. But it’s not always that the coupons can do so much and they do have some cons. Let’s check out a couple of those coupons’ misconceptions.

Brand Loyalty

Lots of research have shown that even with the use of coupons and their discounts, it still does not create any kind of brand loyalty. Consumers go for products that are low in costs and people will keep going for that as long as it also serves their needs.

Being Unbiased

Coupons are free of bias. They can be used by both new and old consumers, but there is no way to know how effective they are at attracting new customers. Low margins, p rice sensitivity, and rewarding cheapness over loyalty are all promoted as a result of this.

Be sure you know just a bit more when you want to learn more about how coupons can do so much for you. Or if you’re one of those business owners planning to do so, gather up some knowledge and make sure you don’t go losing any profit.

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