Johnny Depp States That He is No Longer Interested in Working on Another Pirates of the Caribbean Movie

Karl Telintelo

Johnny Depp has stated that he has no plans to collaborate with Disney on another Pirates of the Caribbean film. Despite it being one of his bigger success movies, he had made that clear in recent events.

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Ben Rottenborn, Depp’s attorney, delved into Depp’s thoughts regarding the mega-film franchise during cross-examination in his defamation case against Amber Heard.

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He also stated that, despite the a recent article claiming that he will be removed from Pirates of the Caribbean 6, it looked that Disney still wanted to profit off his persona in some rides in their theme parks.

As the famous Captain Jack Sparrow, Depp has made his sentiments quite clear regarding the role. He wishes not to return to it at all, but perhaps there would be many more roles or parts he could still dominate in his impressive career.

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