Dune 2 Adds in Christopher Walken

Karl Telintelo

The sequel to ‘Dune’ will have a slew of Hollywood stars, ensuring that the sequel’s allure is amplified. Christopher Walken, a veteran actor, has joined the star-studded film and will apparently play Emperor Shaddam IV.

The Newest Member

Walken makes his debut as the wicked Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV, a role he played in the first film. Walken is the most recent addition to the sequel’s thrilling cast.

A Powerful Role for a Powerful Actor

In the Dune universe, the Emperor is the most powerful character. The Emperor provokes House Atreides into a battle with House Harkonnen after seeing a vision that a younger monarch will attempt to succeed him.

It’s uncertain how Walken will approach the subject, but his charisma promises to set the role apart. Fans might get treated to a new side of the actor and hopefully add in that flare that the role calls for, only time will tell.

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