Alan Rickman’s Diary Reveals Criticism of Emma Watson

Karl Telintelo

If the remarks Alan Rickman made about Emma Watson’s performance in his soon-to-be-published personal diaries are any indication, he was capable of the kind of harsh insults that Harry Potter character Severus Snape would be proud of.

Backstage Talk

The late actor admitted that he had pondered leaving the Potter series with his agency because he had been so uncomfortable filming on some of the movies. He struggled with everything on the Hogwarts set, from his working hours to his coworkers, and had significant issues.

The Direction

The recently discovered journals claim that Alan struggled particularly with Emma Watson, who naturally played Hermione Granger in the movies. “These kids need directing. They don’t know their lines and Emma [Watson]’s diction is this side of Albania at times.” Alan wrote about the kids he performed scenes with.

As Harry, Hermione, and Ron find themselves sparring with their teacher more than ever, Alan had to spend more time in this film with his younger co-stars Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson.

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