According to “New Nostradamus,” World War 3 will Start this Year


Another scary prediction from the so-called “new Nostradamus”—this time that an aircraft crash this year will start World War 3—has been made.

Came to Propriety

The British self-styled psychic Craig Hamilton-Parker, sometimes known as the “Prophet of Doom,” was born on January 24, 1954. He rose to fame for allegedly foreseeing the Brexit and the victory of Donald Trump. He writes a lot of New Age books as well.

The two major events of 2016 that Hamilton-Parker is most famous for supposedly having predicted are the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union and the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States.

Additionally, he asserted that the UK economy will “thrive” after Brexit, with a strong pound and a weak euro.

Trump and Brexit were not predicted by Hamilton-Parker, as claimed. He first anticipated that Jeb Bush would prevail in the 2016 Republican primary, and he was many years early in predicting that Britain will actually leave the European Union.

One terrifying Prediction

The world is afraid of the “new Nostradamus,” Craig Hamilton-Parker, who accurately foresaw the passing of Queen Elizabeth II last year. The psychic has now seen a horrifying plane accident in Taiwan, which he predicts will eventually lead to the start of World War 3.

According to Hamilton-explanation Parker’s of his vision, there will be a “collision,” possibly between two aircraft or two submarines.

According to Mr. Hamilton-Parker, according to the Daily Star, the impending event would lead to a far more severe confrontation involving China and Russia, becoming the “most dangerous item for the next coming two years.”

I’ve been saying for a while that I believed that there will be a dispute over Taiwan, which I think is likely to happen this year, he said.

“I believe there will be an unintentional confrontation in some ways because there will be a strange accident or collision.”

According to the alarming forecast, “either submarines strike each other, airplanes collide, or someone sets it off, and it starts to spiral out of hand.”

As China is claiming Taiwan as a part of its land and Taiwan is asserting its independence as a country, tensions between the two countries have reached new heights.

The “new Nostradamus” said, “I sense it’s going to be a significant problem. Ukraine will seem little in comparison.”

“My greatest fear is that Russia would support China in making that country a pariah state because it will encourage China and make the situation worse.”

“Ultimately, it works out nicely though. I feel it ends up with a new China that’s fragmented into several countries. as opposed to one giant China.

Nostradamus, the first French astrologer, also foresaw the possibility of a “great battle” in the near future, though he did not mention any exact dates. But with the ongoing confrontation between Russia and Ukraine and China and Taiwan, it’s feasible that a greater incident might break out in the not-too-long future.

In his book of prophecies from 1555, Nostradamus stated: “Seven months great conflict, people killed by evil. Rouen, Evreux shall not fall to the King.”

The future seems bleak in his prophecy, the United States, as well as other Asian and other regions and nations, should prepare if this comes to fruition.

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