A TV Show Based on “Red Dead Redemption 2” is in the Works

Karl Telintelo

A video game is not something that everyone can or wants to play. Does that imply that people shouldn’t appreciate such a wonderful tale? The answer to that is simply no. Because of this, one devoted player is creating a book about Red Dead Redemption 2 for his father, while a YouTube channel has produced a show called The Red Dead Redemption 2 Show.

Why It’s Big

Red Dead Redemption 2 is an incredibly unique video game. The story of Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang’s downfall is masterfully presented over the course of forty or so hours. It’s easy to understand why it’s recognized as one of the best video game stories ever told.

And How It Is

The Red Dead Redemption 2 Show does exactly what its name implies. The channel has been posting 45-minute “episodes” that give us a fresh perspective on Rockstar’s game for the past year or so.

This is not only an enhanced Let’s Play series. The Red Dead Redemption 2 Show completely concentrates on the narrative by utilizing the built-in cinematic camera in the game together with already existing cutscenes. Visit the channel to see what they have produced so far as they continue to work diligently on new episodes.

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